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Sister Smith- Safety through Spiritual Promptings

My companion and I were in a dangerous part of town and it was well past dark. My companion and I always took the same route back to our apartment, but I had the strongest...

Sister Fisher- Planting Seeds in the Field

I served in the Jakarta, Indonesia mission. To give you an idea of the country, it’s 90% Muslim. The other 10% consisted of Buddhist, Hindu, Christianity, etc. So needless to say, it was hard to...

Elder Lyman- Working with Less Active Members

One of the most remarkable experiences that I had was to meetwith a less active member each week for the six months that I served inan area. With each meeting our relationship grew stronger as...

Sister Taylor- Working with Members to Further the Work

A woman named Shona had been meeting with missionaries for two years when my companion and I met her. Shona loved the gospel and was fully involved in her ward, but something was keeping her...

Useful Things to Memorize While Waiting to Enter the MTC

You're probably waiting excitedly to enter the MTC. Sometimes those weeks before entering can feel like years so why not take advantage of the time and get a head start on memorizing useful things you...

Sister Smith- Teaching Boldly

I was always a little nervous to tell people the story of Joseph Smith’s firs vision because I didn’t know if they would see it as a believable story. It meant so much to me...

Elder Johnson-Following the Promptings of the Spirit at All Times

One summer day, my companion and I found ourselves lost in the middle of a small city in Japan. No matter how we turned the map, neither the map nor the Japanese characters on it...

Life Skills 101: Bicycle Maintenance and Care (Part 3 of a 3 Part Series for Biking Missionaries)

With so many missionaries serving in missions with biking areas we thought it was important to help educate missionaries on basic bicycle maintenance and bike repairs that may happen to them while in the field....

Elder Cannon- Are All Missions Considered Equal?

I’m a little bit different. Most prospective missionaries hope to be called to an exotic foreign country—or at least to learn a new language.  As a teenager, both of those ideas terrified me. I remember...