When I had been out on my mission about 9 months, and in a new area, my companion and I received a referral from the English missionaries. We went to visit the couple, they had 3 children. They were very kind and after we shared our message with them they very politely told us they weren't interested but somehow we were able to get a return appointment.
As soon as my companion and I got into our car we both looked at each other in amazement and almost in unison said they were "golden". We had felt the spirit testify to us that this family would accept the gospel and be amazing members. But that didn't mean it would be easy to get to that point.
We saw them every week sometimes multiple times a week teaching lessons and doing service. They came to church every week from the time we first invited them. For awhile the husband never did any reading assignments we asked if him. But then he secretly started reading the Book of Mormon every day. We could see a change in the whole family. The wife even told us when her husband wasn't around that she could see he had changed. He was sweeter and happier.
We invited them to be baptized but they turned us down. They weren't ready is what they would tell us. I'm not sure anymore but I think we asked them 3 more times throughout 8 months. It wasn't until a member was with us and he invited them to be baptized that they said yes. I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. Soon after, the husband and wife were baptized. Then 3 weeks later the husband baptized his 2 children! It was such a beautiful experience.
A couple weeks later I finished my mission. Then one year later I was able to see that family again. They came to Utah to be sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple. And now about 8 years since they were baptized the husband is the Branch President!
I know that if we are willing to act the Spirit will guide us. And we can accomplish amazing things!