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Sister Clark- Making the Decision to Serve

Sister Clark- Making the Decision to Serve

While I had many deeply spiritual experiences on my mission, the most impactful one, for me personally, occurred before I even became a full-time missionary.

Growing up, I had never wanted to go on a mission. As my 21st birthday came and went, I began to get so many questions about whether or not a mission was in my future plans. I would quickly brush off all inquiries and not think twice about the idea. It wasn't until a couple of years later, while sitting in the Nauvoo Temple, that I felt a prompting hit me like a ton of bricks...

I was supposed to serve a mission. NOW!

Again, I quickly pushed the idea out of my head. But, for the next couple of days, it was ALL I could think about. As hard as I tried, I could not shake the feeling that this is what I was supposed to do. But, I still didn't want to. I quickly came to the decision that there is no way that I was going to drop everything for 18 months and go on a mission unless I wanted to.

So that is where I started. I knew that this is what the Lord needed from me. I knew that I was going to go. I just needed the desire to do it. I spent so many hours on my knees, reading the Scriptures and fasting asking Heavenly Father for just that.

For me, the desire to serve a mission came quickly. It was quiet, soft and subtle- nothing like my prompting in the Temple just weeks before. 

After that, things moved very quickly. I had my papers completed and headed to Salt Lake within days and my call was in hand only 2 weeks after that. I entered the MTC only 3 months- almost to the day- after the prompting in the Nauvoo Temple came. 

There were times throughout my mission that I questioned why I was out there doing so many things that pulled me so far out of my comfort zone and stretched me to my limits. I wanted to quit and go home so many times. But I knew that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. And I wanted to be there. That initial decision to serve a mission sustained me every. single. day. out in the field. It changed the entire course of my mission.

My mission was hard. Everyone's mission is hard. I think that is the point. It humbles you, stretches you, changes you and allows to live a life that closely mimics the Savior's earthly ministry. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I had to dedicate those 18 months of my life to teaching, learning and bringing others closer to Christ- including myself. 

I know that the Spirit is real. I know that prayer works. I know that I was supposed to serve a mission. I needed those people and experiences. I needed my companions and my Mission President. I needed the personal changes that it facilitated in my life. I have never, nor will I ever regret my decision to serve. There is not a day that goes by that I do not reap the temporal & spiritual blessings from my mission.


Sister Clark served in the Germany, Berlin mission.Â