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Sister Taylor- The Kindness of Strangers

Sister Taylor- The Kindness of Strangers

Before leaving on my mission, one of my aunts introduced me to three women who travel together as professional golfers. A few months into my mission I was surprised to see these same three women in a sacrament meeting on the other side of the world from where I had first met them.

These amazing women noticed that the family that had come to church with us that day didn’t have regular Sunday clothes. In fact, this particular family couldn’t afford much of anything. After church the three lady golfers stopped my companion and I on our way home to give us an envelope. They insisted that we use the money to buy a Sunday outfit for each of the six children and the mother that had come to church. Words can’t express how grateful my companion and I felt.

We had so much fun shopping for this family and delivering an anonymous package. It was even more fun to see the children’s faces as they showed us their new clothes the next time we visited. The mother couldn’t believe someone would do that for her and her family. The best part is that she will never knew that her blessings came at the hands of three complete strangers.