Sister Smoot- Quickly Answered Prayers

Sister Smoot- Quickly Answered Prayers

My trainee and I were whitewashing an area that hadn't had sisters in about a year and were having a difficult time finding people to teach. (White washing is a mission term that means both previous missionaries were transferred to a different area and two new missionaries, unfamiliar with the area, are put in at the same time.) 

Our most progressing investigator, who had burned us two days in a row, called us the third day, desiring to meet! Short notice, but of course we said yes! I had only been out 6 months, my trainee just weeks, and the language barrier was our biggest obstacle in lessons. We needed a gerch for communication always, (gerch = member witness) but especially tonight because the lesson was on the Book of Mormon and this particular investigator always packed in the questions. 

We had a list of about 6 gerches in my phone. We called them all, no one could come. Praying silently to find someone, we kept brainstorming. My trainee recommended we pray out loud then and there, with faith that even if we couldn't find anyone, the Lord would provide a way for our investigator to understand our teachings and us to help with her questions.

We knelt down. "Dear Heavenly Father, we---"

Ring, ring!

I stopped. We looked at the phone. "Our answer." Sister Folsom said with confidence. It was an unknown number.

I picked up the phone. I asked who it was, didn't understand the name, but asked this woman if she would gerch for us.

She said yes! It ended up being Uuree, an RM who taught at the Philippines MTC and SPEAKS ENGLISH. She came to our lesson, answered our investigator's tough questions and was so cute and bubbly. Her knowledge of the Book of Mormon exceeded that of all of our past gerches.

She was the perfect answer to our prayer, a blessing resulting from having faith in the Father.


Sister Smoot served in the Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Mission