I was always a little nervous to tell people the story of Joseph Smith’s firs vision because I didn’t know if they would see it as a believable story. It meant so much to me but, Heavenly visits are a big deal, and I didn’t want them to lose interest in our message because the idea that that could happen was foreign to them.
To my amazement, people would light up as we told the story in Joseph Smith’s words.
By the time we got to ...”this is my beloved son, hear Him,” one sister slammed her hands on the table and said loudly, “this is the most amazing thing I have ever heard.”
She knew it was true and wondered why the whole world didn’t know about this yet. The spirit was always so strong.
I loved teaching the restoration and seeing Heavenly Father’s children make the connection that this is Jesus Christ’s church. If we are bold in our teaching and testify with all our hearts, the spirit will be so strong. Heavenly Father has prepared people to hear the miracle of the gospel. Being a missionary is amazing.
Sister Smith served in Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission