This photo was taken at the Peter Whitmer Farm. I found the spirit there to be unlike any other. When you would walk the grounds, your testimony of the gospel was strengthened. You could feel that God had a very special place in His heart for that home, and when you were there, He wanted you to feel that.
The Peter Whitmer Farm, located in Fayette, New York, is special for a lot of reasons. It is the place where the 3 witnesses were able to see the gold plates, it’s where the first 3 general conferences were held, it’s the first place that the sacrament was blessed and passed in this dispensation, but above all, it is the place where the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was restored to the earth in its fullness.
With just that information alone, it’s easy to see that this place is most certainly sacred ground.
Every time I was able serve at this sacred site, I often felt connected to the spirts of those who witnessed the remarkable event of the restoration of Christ’s church. I feel that they had a huge impact on my testimony that all of the things we have been taught, are indeed true.
Sister Murdock served in the New York Rochester Mission.