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I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go

I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go

Hey there! 

If you're anything like me, you didn't/don't know if a mission is for you. Growing up, I never planned on serving. A few years before I turned 19, people in my hometown began asking me over and over if I was going to go on a mission. I honestly didn't know. I knew that a mission would be neat, but I leaned more towards school and traveling for humanitarian work. As I got older, I could see both paths laid out in front of me. I knew both were good choices, but I didn't know which path I should start down. I prayed and prayed but still didn't know if I was supposed to serve. I decided to just pick a path and see what happened. I began college, and spent several months abroad with humanitarian groups. But even as great as things were going, I still felt that something was missing. I decided to pray even more about serving a mission. I made the decision to serve, and immediately that feeling of something missing, and confusion lifted away.  All of my worries and fears melted away and instant warmth and peace overwhelmed me. I was excited for the adventure ahead, but nervous as well. Lyrics to one of my favorite hymns came to my head as I prepared to leave...

"I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord
Over mountain or plain or sea
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord
I'll be what you want me to be"

My call arrived at the end of that month, and I left 4 weeks later. I was called to serve in the Philippines Bacolod Mission, speaking Hiligaynon. I spent 6 weeks in the Provo MTC. It was fun, but oh so hard. We spent countless hours fasting and praying, asking God to help us learn this beautifully strange language. After serving my time in the MTC, my visa hadn't arrived, and I was being temporarily reassigned to Scottsdale, Arizona. My heart sunk, and as I prayed asking, 'WHY?', lyrics again came to my mind...

"I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord
Over mountain or plain or sea
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord
I'll be what you want me to be"

It brought me peace, and helped me remember that God was in charge. This was His work, and His perfect plan for me. My three months in Scottsdale were amazing, and soon I arrived in the Philippines. The rest of my mission, the lyrics to the song ran through my head. 

I know that the Lord sends His missionaries where He needs them, and where He knows they will blossom and grow. When we align our lives and goals and dreams to His Perfect Plan for us, we'll be happier than we ever thought possible. When I lost myself in His work, I found myself.