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6 Ways to prepare for General Conference!

6 Ways to prepare for General Conference!

Twice a year, everyone worldwide has a chance to listen to the words of living prophets and apostles! For most, it is a weekend full of family and spiritual nourishment. General Conference happens the first weekends of April and October. It is easy to feel of our Heavenly Father's love while we listen to the talks- but how can YOU prepare throughout the week mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? We want to give you our tips on how to make this entire week special leading up to the amazing weekend ahead! 

1. Think of questions that you may need answered in your life. Personal questions, doubts, things you want to improve on in your life, questions you have been praying about.

2. Think of and invite someone to watch General Conference! Pray for them and share your testimony with them.

3. Listen to a different talk (or two) from the past General Conference every day leading up to the Saturday session.

4. Share on Social Media about General Conference.

5. Write down in your journal your spiritual impressions throughout the week, tender mercies, and the ways you have seen the hand of the Lord in your life.

6. Grab some of your favorite snacks and a journal and stay awake during the sessions- you will understand and receive more answers if your eyes are open and if you are alert! 

It is such an amazing gift that we are able to hear the word of God directly through the mouths of the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! What are your favorite ways to prepare for General Conference?