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2020 "Come, Follow Me" and "Preach My Gospel" Reading Schedule

2020 "Come, Follow Me" and "Preach My Gospel" Reading Schedule

2020 “Come, Follow Me” and “Preach My Gospel” Reading Schedule

I don't know about you, but I can get overwhelmed with what to study in the scriptures each day. I'm often torn between studying personal topics, assigned Come, Follow Me reading, and when I was preparing for my mission, Preach My Gospel and associated scriptures. It's hard to find a balance between Come, Follow Me reading and Preach My Gospel reading, so we've put together this reading schedule to help you (hopefully) accomplish both. (Thanks to the Worland Stake for initial inspiration)

3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi "There Could Not be a Happier People"​
 Date Book of Mormon Weekly Reading Preach My Gospel Reading
Dec 30-Jan 5 Introductory Page of the Book of Mormon

5-The Book of Mormon   pg. 105 "The Book of Mormon Testifies of Christ"

Jan 6-12 1 Nephi 1-7 "I Will Go and Do"

1-My Purpose pg. 4 "The Power and Authority of Your Calling

Jan 13-19 1 Nephi 8-10 "Come and Partake of the Fruit" 1-My Purpose pg. 1-2 "The Commission to Teach the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ"
Jan 20-26 1 Nephi 11-15 "Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God 1-My Purpose pg. 3-4 "Teaching by the Spirit"
Jan 27-Feb 2 1 Nephi 16-22 "I Will Prepare the Way before You"

1-My Purpose pg. 10-11  "A Successful Missionary"

Feb 3-9 2 Nephi 1-5 "We lived after the Manner of Happiness" 1-My Purpose pg. 4-5 "The Power and Authority of Your Calling"
Feb 10-16 2 Nephi 6-10 "O How Great the Plan of Our God" 1-My Purpose pg. 9 "The Gospel Blesses Families"
Feb 17-23 2 Nephi 11-25 "We Rejoice in Christ"

1-My Purpose pg. 5-6 "The Gospel of Jesus Christ"

Feb 24-Mar 1 2 Nephi 26-30 "A Marvelous Work and a Wonder" 1-My Purpose pg 8-9 "Helping Others Make Commitments: The Door to Faith and Repentance
Mar 2-8 2 Nephi 31-33 "This is the Way" 1-My Purpose pg 6-7 "The Message of the Restoration: The Foundation of Faith"
March 9-15 Jacob 1-4 "Be Reconciled unto God through the Atonement of Christ"

2-Effective Study pg 19 "Live What You Learn"

Mar 16-22 Jacob 5-7 "The Lord Labors With Us 2- Effective Study pg. 20 "Learn and Apply the Doctrine" to "Focus on Needs"
Mar 23-29 Enos/Words of Mormon "He Works in Me to Do His Will" 2-Effective Study pg. 18 "Learning by the Holy Ghost"
Mar 30- Apr 12 Easter- "He Shall Rise...With Healing in His Wings" 3-Study and Teach pg. 51-52 "The Atonement"
Apr 13-19 Mosiah 1-3 "Filled with Love Towards God and All Men" 2-Effective Study pg. 21 "Defining Words"
Apr 20-26 Mosiah 4-6 "A Mighty Change" 2-Effective Study pg. 22-23 "Apply and Live What you Learn" & "Search, Ponder, and Remember"
Apr 27-May 3 Mosiah 7-10 "In the Strength of the Lord"

2-Effective Study pg. 24 "Remember Thus" box & pg. 25 "Personal Study"

May 4-10 Mosiah 11-17 "A Light...That Can Never be Darkened" 2-Effective Study pg. 23 "See the Big Picture"
May 11-17 Mosiah 18-24 "We Have Entered into a Covenant with Him" 3-Study and Teach pg 31-32 "God is our Loving Heavenly Father
May 18-24 Mosiah 25-28 "They Were Called the People of God" 3-Study and Teach pg 32-33 "Heavenly Father Reveals His Gospel in Every Dispensation"
May 25-31 Mosiah 29-Alma 4 "They Were Steadfast and Immovable" 3-Study and Teach pg. 39 "Pray to Know the Truth through the Holy Ghost"
Jun 1-7 Alma 5-7 "Have Ye Experienced this Mighty Change in Your Hearts?" 3-Study and Teach pg. 62-63 "Repentance"
Jun 8-14 Alma 8-12 "Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People" 3-Study and Teach pg. 61-62 "Faith in Jesus Christ"
Jun 15-21 Alma 13-16 "Enter into the Rest of the Lord"

3-Study and Teach pg. 63-64 "Baptism, Our First Covenant"

Jun 22-28 Alma 17-22 "I Will Make an Instrument of Thee" 3-Study and Teach pg. 65 "The Gift of the Holy Ghost"
Jun 29-July 5 Alma 23-29 "They Never Did Fall Away" 3-Study and Teach pg. 72 "Obedience"
July 6-12 Alma 30-31 "The Virtue of the Word of God" 3-Study and Teach pg. 71-72 "Prepare to Teach"
July 13-19 Alma 32-35 "Plant this Word in your Hearts" 4-Recognize the Spirit pg. 93-95 "Pray with Faith"
July 20-26 Alma 36-38 "Look to God and Live" 4-Recognize the Spirit pg. 86-87 "Learn to Recognize the Promptings of the Spirit
July 27-Aug 2 Alma 39-42 "The Great Plan of Happiness" 3-Study and Teach pg. 48 "Pre-Earth Life" & pg. 53 "The Resurrection Judgement, and Immortality"
Aug 3-9 Alma 43-52 "Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ" 6-Christlike Attributes pg 116-117 "Faith in Jesus Christ"
Aug 10-16 Alma 53-63 "Preserved by His Marvelous Power" 8-Use Time Wisely pg. 150-151 "Accountability"
Aug 17-23 Helaman 1-6 "The Rock of Our Redeemer" 9-Finding People pg. 158-159 "Teach When You Find, Find When You Teach"
Aug 24-30 Helaman 7-12 "Redeemer the Lord" 6-Christlike Attributes pg. 120 "Patience"
Aug 31-Sept 6 Helaman 13-16 "Glad Tidings of Great Joy" 6-Christlike Attributes pg. 121 "Diligence"
Sept 7-13 3 Nephi 1-7 "Lift Up Your Head and Be of Good Cheer" 6-Christlike Attributes pg. 120 "Humility"
Sept 14-20 3 Nephi 8-11 "Arise and Come Forth Unto Me" 9-Finding People pg. 156-157 "Talk With Everyone"
Sept 21-27 3 Nephi 12-16 "I am the Law and the Light" 9-Finding People pg. 163-165 "Family History"
Sept 28-Oct 11 3 Nephi 17-19 "Behold My Joy is Full" 9-Finding People pg. 168-169 "Go About Doing Good"
Oct 12-18 3 Nephi 20-26 "Ye Are Children of the Covenant" 9-Finding People pg. 161-162 "The Importance of Members
Oct 19-25 3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi "There Could Not Be a Happier People" 9-Finding People pg. 167 "Finding Through Own Efforts"
Oct 26-Nov 1 Mormon 1-6 "I Would that I Could Persuade Repend" 5-The Book of Mormon pg. 108 "The Book of Mormon Draws People Nearer to God"
Nov 2-8 Mormon 7-9 "I Speak Unto You as if Ye Were Present" 5-The Book of Mormon pg. 106 "The Book of Mormon and the Bible Support Each Other"
Nov 9-15 Ether 1-5 "Rend that Veil of Unbelief" 9-Finding People pg. 170 "No Effort is Wasted"
Nov 16-22 Ether 6-11 "That Evil Might Be Gone Away" 11-Keep Commandments pg. 197-198 "Promise People Blessings"
Nov 23-29 Ether 12-15 "By Faith All Things are Fulfilled" 6-Christlike Attributes pg. 117 "Hope"
Nov 30-Dec 6 Moroni 1-6 "To Keep Them in the Right Way" 3-Study and Teach pg. 83-84 "Priesthood and Auxiliaries"
Dec 7-13 Moroni 7-9 "May Christ Lift Thee Up" 6-Christlike Attributes pg. 118 "Charity and Love"
Dec 14-20 Moroni 10 "Come Unto Christ and Be Perfected in Him" 6-Christlike Attributes pg. 115 "How Do I Develop Christlike Attributes?"
Dec 21-27 Christmas "He Shall Come Into the World to Redeem His People" 11-Keep Commandments pg. 198-199 "Bear Testimony Frequently"